18 Feb

For marketers looking to increase the digital marketing services provider exposure and reach a wider audience, there is a wide variety of platforms to do so. The rest is deciding which platforms present the best opportunities for your brand design agency. But no matter what type of industry they operate, one of the best platforms today to expand their exposure is Quora.

And works. Josh Fetcher spent four months building 7,000 followers in Quora. He won 2k new members for his Facebook Group, and 3k leads to his email list. I mean, why do you think Neil Patel writes answers of more than 2,500 words in Quora? Because it works! Read on to learn why it has the potential to be a valuable marketing tool for your business, as well as seven tips you can use to get started with your entire digital marketing strategy in Quora.

Why Should I Have a Marketing Strategy in Quora?

By now, you’ve probably heard of Quora, even if you're not an active user. Because this is one of the most visited pages in the world. While the site does not share updated information about its users, it has more than 190 million users per month, since April 2017 - an increase of 100 million compared to 2016.

But in case a potential audience does not sell you the value of Quora, these are three of the most important benefits when using it as part of your digital marketing services.

1. Position your Brand as a Leader in Your Industry

The basic function of Quora is very simple. Users ask questions, and other users answer it. The topics on the site range from parenthood to programming, to anything that comes to mind - and the users who answer these questions are usually experts on the subject. As a result, this site has become the site to go for users to clear their doubts with the help of experts.

2. Direct Traffic to Your Site

When you answer questions in Quora, you can include links to your sources and other relevant content. For example, see this answer to the question of, "What is the best way to learn about actions?" His response was 1,000 words, and it provides a comprehensive summary of what a consumer should know about the subject.

If users find your answer helpful and are interested in using the exact methods he recommends, there is a high probability that they will click. And if you're wondering if this approach is effective, take a look at this Online World reference traffic report, after using Quora for three months.

3. Earn Mentions in Other Publications

If you are lucky, your reach with Quora marketing can be extended beyond the users of this site. Because a growing number of sites are getting their Quora content. For example, a Forbes.com search site shows a lot of articles that originally appeared on the site.

Use the Quora Ad Platform to Find Questions

If you're willing to invest the time it takes to write useful answers, Quora is a great way to drive traffic to your site. Having said that, it is not always easy to know how much traffic you can expect when answering a question.

4. Fortunately, the platform offers a couple of tools that can help you make accurate estimates. It shouldn't come as a surprise that, as one of the most visited sites on the internet, Quora also offers advertising options. These options can be very useful to get traffic from the platform.

5. Select Questions that are Relevant to Your Target Audience

While choosing answers to answer, it is easy to get caught up in the search to see which one is closest to your experience and related interests. And if these features are directly in line with the questions and needs of your audience, this is the best thing that could happen to you!

But selecting the right questions usually requires a little more time. That is because when it comes to this, the main goal of any content marketing strategy is to generate leads. So with that in mind, it's time to start! And if there are other tactics or strategies that you have discovered are effective in Quora, please share this with us in the comments!

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